The Creative Cantina Podcast

How Birth Control Destroyed My Health & Changed My Perspective

May 2, 2023

Maybe you have a gut feeling the pill isn’t treating you right. Or maybe you’ve watched some TikToks or Instagram reels of other women’s horror stories. Or maybe you know the downsides of birth control are just starting to outweigh the benefits for you personally. Whatever your reason for being here, I’m so glad you […]


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How Birth Control Destroyed My Health written overtop a photo of Cassie showing her liver resection scar.
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Maybe you have a gut feeling the pill isn’t treating you right. Or maybe you’ve watched some TikToks or Instagram reels of other women’s horror stories. Or maybe you know the downsides of birth control are just starting to outweigh the benefits for you personally. Whatever your reason for being here, I’m so glad you are. In honor of 4 years post-op, I’m finally telling the full story of how birth control destroyed my health & changed my perspective for good.

The Day Everything Changed

Within 24 hours, I went from receiving shocking news about my body to laying in a post-op recovery room with a 5 inch incision down my abdomen. Tune in as I tell the full story of what happened, what it felt like, and how it may have actually been a blessing in disguise.

How My Doctors Let Me Down

1 in 5 women are put on hormonal birth control for a reason other than its intended purpose. Often times, with the promise that it will help “balance” our hormones or “fix” the underlying issue. In reality, “taking birth control to ‘regulate’ our hormones is like putting a bandaid over a compound fracture.” It may slow the bleeding, but the real issue is not being addressed.

In my case, not only did the birth control not help my underlying, not yet detected issue. It may actually have made it worse while causing a whole host of other issues for me.

How Birth Control Destroyed My Health

Once I found out the reason I likely needed surgery was because of my birth control, I immediately went off of it. Coincidentally, many of the side effects I experienced for years completely disappeared. I felt like myself again, which made me hopeful…

Until I started experiencing other health problems years later and found out that birth control pills also raised my risk for those as well.

Making Informed Decisions

Contrary to what you may think, I’m not anti birth control. I’m just very pro informed decisions. To help you do that, I share why birth control may be something you want to reconsider along with resources to help you dive deeper (such as Beyond the Pill by Jolene Brighten).

I also share what non-invasive contraception alternative I’ve been using the past few years. Spoiler alert: it may qualify for coverage by your health insurance company. But if you’re a nerd who likes to understand how things work rather than blindly following an algorithm, I highly recommend reading this book.

Bottom line? I know how birth control destroyed my health and I want better for you, but it’s ultimately your decision. I just pray this helps you make an informed one.

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I'm Cassie, your biz bestie.

From an awkward teen with a camera in hand to a data-driven, family-first, mocktail-loving creative business coach... I've learned a lot in my 14 years of entrepreneurship & I can't wait to help you thrive!

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Cassie Schmidt

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