We often think about chiropractors like Rice Krispies… a lot of snap, crackle, and pop. There’s so much more to it though. But is it possible? Can chiropractic care REALLY boost your creativity? In this episode of the podcast, I get to interview my own chiropractor and fellow creative entrepreneur, Dr. Jordan Gale of Kairos Chiropractic.
Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments for Business Owners
Ever struggle to cruise through your to-do list because you feel super unfocused / easily distracted? Or maybe you’re focusing just fine, but your anxiety has you questioning every decision you make? Or maybe you just feel run down from the physical toll your creative business is taking on your body?
All of these things can hold you back from reaching your full potential. And surely, if you feel like you’re constantly behind or frazzled, you’ll have very little room to brainstorm your next killer Instagram post or fan-favorite design!
That’s where chiropractic care comes into play. With a neurological approach, Dr. Jordan explains how impactful proper spinal alignment can be for your brain-body connection and why… And as a business owner, clay earring maker, and chiropractor herself, she can attest to the effects firsthand.
Can Chiropractic Care Really Boost Your Creativity?
There was a pilot study published in the Chiropractic Journal of Australia that showed after just one chiropractic adjustment, 60% of the subjects increased performance on a divergent thinking test and many of the subjects also reported feeling renewed energy toward previous creative project plans.
So, as it turns out, there’s some evidence, it CAN make you more creative. Dr. Jordan takes a few minutes to give us a high-level view of how chiropractic care impacts business owners mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Common Misconceptions About Chiropractors
Just like with any industry, she’s heard them all before. There are many misconceptions about chiropractic care and Dr. Jordan breaks down the biggest one she’s heard time and time again (literally since she decided to pursue the field in high school). “Once you start going, aren’t you kind of stuck going for life?” She addresses the truth behind this and why it might require a bit of a perspective shift on your end.
Final Wellness Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs
If you’re interested in seeing how chiropractic adjustments can benefit your business, Dr. Jordan has some great tips for what to look for in your chiropractor. And in honor of the real reason we’re focusing on health for the podcast in May, she leaves us with a really great tip on how to be more intentional with our health in general.
As for the question at hand… can chiropractic care really boost your creativity? Give it a shot and see for yourself.
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