The Creative Cantina Podcast

Quiz Marketing: Grow Your Business & Email List with Josh Haynam of Interact

As marketing continues to become increasingly personalized, quizzes (no surprise) are a favorite form of shareable content. From a consumer standpoint, they’re informative and at the very least, entertaining… (Who doesn’t want to know which Gilmore Girls character is their spirit animal?) But from a business standpoint, quiz marketing may just be the very key you […]



Inquiry Form Mistakes to Fix NOW


How Birth Control Hurt My Business Growth

Social Media

How to Format Instagram Captions


How to Write Strategic Site Copy That Converts


By now, you’ve probably realized this whole entrepreneurship thing can be a little lonely at times. The freedom to do what you love is amazing, but maybe you’re starting to feel a bit in over your head with everything else. Maybe you feel like you’re flying by the seat of your pants. And in the […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

Grow Your Email List Faster With Facebook & Instagram Ads

“Social media is like renting. Start an email list you actually own.” “Email marketing can earn you $40 for ever $1 spent.” We’ve heard it all before. We know how valuable email marketing can be, so we add it to our to do list, hoping to get to it one day… Or maybe we create […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

Why I Prefer Naturopathic Doctors Over MDs for Autoimmune & Chronic Health Issues

“You can accept the diagnosis without accepting the prognosis.” These were the words from a documentary, Biology of Belief, I watched years ago that perfectly summarize how I feel about health. And throughout this episode, you’ll see why I prefer naturopathic doctors over MDs. Over the past decade, I felt like I was playing symptom […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

Empowering Women: Unveiling Truths About Birth Control & Hormonal Health

Birth control has long been considered “safe and effective,” but more and more women are coming forward on social media to reveal the opposite…  They’re sharing stories (like mine) about the liver tumors they had to have removed or (like our guest, Emmalee’s) the blood clots it caused. There are more public conversations happening about […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

Scale Your Business: A Photographer’s Guide to Outsourcing, Delegating, & Building a Dream Team

Giving up control is one of the biggest challenges for most business owners. The second you even think about delegating a task or building your dream team, fear creeps in…  What if my employees / subcontractors don’t do it as well as I do? Will they care about my clients as much as I do? […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

How (& When) to Follow Up with Potential Clients: A Crash Course for Creatives

In this episode, we’re tackling the oh-so-dreaded task of follow-up emails for small business owners. You know, those moments when you’re wondering what to say, how often to nudge, and why on earth they haven’t replied yet? I’ll walk you through how (& when) to follow up with potential clients! First off, let’s shift our […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

An Inside Look at the House of Colour Seasonal Color Analysis (& How It Can Impact Your Business)

After finding my color season with a House of Colour consultant last year, I have to admit that I finally understand the hype! Even though my consultant just reaffirmed my suspicions, seeing my season in action against other season’s drapes was eye-opening. *Cue me finally grieving beiges and olive green. Everyone else loves them and […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

3 Common Sales Mistakes That *Might* Be Losing You Clients

If you’re a creative service provider like a photographer or designer, you know that getting rejected by a potential client often feels very personal. You immediately start wondering what you did wrong – especially if you really connected with them in a consult call or via email! But what if I told you that it’s not you? It’s your […]

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The Creative Cantina Podcast

How to Push Past Your Comfort Zone & Create Your Own Opportunities

Ever have an idea and then immediately dismiss it with thoughts like “nah, that’s crazy” or “I could never push past my comfort zone that far…”? *cue the imposter syndrome that’s as unwanted as the speech wrap up music during an award ceremony* Creative entrepreneur, Sarah Kohrt, had similar thoughts along her journey, but has literally […]

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A Photographer’s Tips for Juggling Motherhood & Entrepreneurship

Juggling motherhood & entrepreneurship (or really any parenting & demanding work, for that matter) can be challenging. I can’t tell you how many business coaching calls I’ve done with my clients who have their little one along for the ride… and each time, I watch in both admiration and fascination at how well they seem […]

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What's Your Sales Personality?

Calling all creative service providers... Take this six question quiz to find your hidden sales strengths (& weaknesses) so you can book more dream clients & stop getting ghosted!

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